Sunday, 7 November 2010

Warriors of Chaos. Part Three.

So we come to an end to this saga, detailing Warriors of Chaos in the competitive atmosphere. At least, my opinion of Warriors in said competitive atmosphere. Harrumph. Basically it boils down to WS5 S5 I5 A2 is good. However, how do I feel WoC can do in a competitive environment? Well, read on and find out.

See, Warriors of Chaos are very good at what they do. Kill things in melee. Beating WoC in melee is no easy task, don't get me wrong, but they really, really suffer if they don't get to fight back. Whether it's through debuffs, ASF, higher init or being shot from across the board, they don't like it.

Which leads to the problem. A lot (and I mean a lot) of the popular armies in the current "meta" can hit WoC before WoC can strike back. High Elves as a race, Empire with their guns and magic, Lizzies with magic and sallies, also impact hits if they take stegs. WoC do not like impact hits. Now, see if WoC were M5/6, this really wouldn't be as much of a problem I feel, as they'd be able to dictate the control of battle better. That said, HE would still give them fucking night terrors.

"Ok then Archy, why not just take one of those VP denial lists like your skaven?". Well... you can do that, sure. It'll prolly win games. But I wouldn't expect it to win tourneys. The reason for this is those skaven can take 5 big nasties as well as big hordes to clog people up. WoC get either units that don't go anywhere, or units that can fight. They don't really get a combination. You can make an argument of Marauders w/MoTz, and don't get me wrong, I'd expect a WoC horde army of those to do well, but I wouldn't expect it to win tourneys. Just cause some things will be able to beat it by virtue of magic/shooting/maneouverability. "But archy, your skaven lists aren't mobile!". No, but I do have the best flank protecters in warhammer, that is a pair of hellpits. In addition to having magic that's really good for that king of thing. WoC sadly do not.

So where do I feel WoC slot into the competitive game? See.... they're victims of rock paper scissors. There's a few armies I can think of (HE especially) that will just scythe them down. Then there's some match ups they're brutal against. So if you take WoC, expect to have a good time of it, but it was like playing brettonians against the old zombie horde. Every now and then there'll be one of those games where the odds will be so heavily stacked against you that you may feel like just giving up.

Makes winning much sweeter though.

So if I did WoC, I would run one of the following lists;
Sorc Lord
Many many units of 50 marauders with great weapons and MoTz
Redirector killing units.

Sorc Lord
MSU format as in my previous articles

Exalted Hero w/Banner of Discipline in his unit
MSU format as in my previous articles

Any one of those WoC lists I would expect to do well. The latter two more than others, but they're more vulnerable to a cookie cutter matchup. That said the first of the three is magic vulnerable. You just can't win. Why can't we all be Empire? Oh, and never, never never leave home without your Infernal Puppet.

Hope you guys enjoyed the article.


Ok folks, the next in line to get a series of reviews done is Skaven! So, that'll start sometime this week I hope, possibly tomorrow. Any requests as to where I should start? If no one puts forward a suggestion I'm probably going to go with core units.


  1. Liking this post though as a lizzie combat hord player hate WoC who are the 1 army that I have to rely on magic to stop. As for skavin i'd like to see the rare done first actually ive you wouldn't mind man its just i feal that its the part of skaven that has realy hit a change in the new rules.

  2. Sorry just realized I put ive istead of if.

  3. I like the big Marauder blocks backed by MSU and Hellcannons, seems plenty workable.

    Core is boring, but essential, I say go for that then Lords/Heroes. Those 3 slots make or break an army, I'd say.
